Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Defrosting Salad...Not Good!!!

Ok I was fixing lunch a while ago and I had salad on my mind!!! BUT the thing is I open the fridge, no bagged salad in sight! Crisper, no salad!!! Hmmm...strange I thought!!! So I open the freezer and BAM there it is!!! Great I must have put it in there yesterday by accident!!! Let me tell you that thing was frozen solid!!! As I stood there with chicken breast and no salad a spark of genius hit me!!!! People wash salad...right, so why don't I wash frozen salad and it will I'm good!!! Well I proceed to wash the brick of salad and it quickly begins to turn into this stewy-slimy mess!!! This can't be good I thought!!! Long story short...the salad went in the trash! So if you ever end up in such a predicament (I know it happens often right) "DO NOT" I repeat "DO NOT" defrost it!!! Unless you like stewy-slimy salad!!!


Maribel said...

Yeah, that sounds like you sissy!!!
Always full of surprises! never a dull moment with you!! love you anyways!! LOL

Diana said...

Thats me girl!!! A suprise at every!!!

jackie35 said...

Ha thats hilarious!! Sounds like slimy salad for

Diana said...

Almost girl...almost!!!