Tuesday, September 29, 2009

It's been a long time, I shouldn't have left you...without a dope beat to step to..

MAN...has it been forever or what since I've last blogged!!! I love writing and often think of things that would be awesome to write about but never really sit down and do it! So lucky for you (cause I know you've been anxiously waiting...humor me) I have some alone time today and decided to sit down and write a little about whats been going on lately!! In the words of some famous Mexican guy....."Take it away!"
So life, for me, has taken a very interesting turn in the last few months!! Were to begin well I some what got a taste of what it feels like to be a single mom these past few months and let me say my heart truly sympathizes and goes out to the real single mom's, boy is it hard!! I'm not really single, as most of you know my husband had been working away for quite some time now, and I must say this distance has been tough! Up until that point John and I had never really been apart but through this distance I have learned a lot!! Mainly to rely on God to get me through this! I've said it before and I'll say it again (for those of you who missed it the first time lol) Through this time apart God has not only strengthened the relationship that John and I share but he's also strengthened our relationship with him! Ok enough of that mushy stuff right!!! Oh yeah back to single moms for one second though! Even though it's probably the hardest job in the world, my message to you would be; Hang in there I know it gets tough and at times you feel you want to scream and pull your hair out! All the sweat, tears, time and effort will be worth it when your children grow up to be decent human beings!Wow I can probably go on forever on that one!!! As I previously mentioned life has been interesting!! I've lived vicariously through my single friend, whose back in the dating world again!!! Why she listens to me sometimes....I am not sure...lol!!! I've also seen another friend through a divorce...man that was a tough one!!! Once again going through that with my dear friend only taught me to rely on God even more!!! She's better now, healing and just getting through life!!! I guess the saying is true "Life does throw you curve balls" BUT you just got to hit them out of the park!! I've also been spending time with my precious family, who I love dearly!! Hanging with my brother and sister, spending family time with my crazy aunts and just enjoying life!! I'm back at school again and I'm slowly but surely getting there! This summer we got to go on a little family vacation and it was awesome for the first time I absolutely enjoyed myself!! My boys are old enough to where they were able to have a good time too!!! We went out all day had fun got tired went back to our loft took a nap and kept on going!!! That's it life as I know it...for the past few months at least!! It was fun blogging again, I'm not gong to make any promises but I'm gonna try to do it a little more often!!