Monday, December 29, 2008

Tightest Squeeze

When someone you love such as your spouse, parent, or children are away for a while don't you find yourself missing the smallest things! When my husband is away I find myself missing the tight squeeze at the end of the hug!!! When he's not here I close my eyes and pretend to feel his arms around me squeezing me tight...its' my favorite part!!! It's in his embrace that I feel safe and loved!!! So I encourage you next time you hug someone give them the "tightest squeeze" ever!!!


Maribel said...

AWWW, I know, you seem to miss the smallest things, but you know how that saying goes... Its the smallest things that count!! So true!! You will be fine sissy, the good Lord is watching over him!!

Marina said... made me cwy....ok not really...but yeah i can understand...but the best part of all is that you have God to make you feel safe and secure while he is away. Never forget that presence that is forever with you!

Diana said...

Amen sista!!! The Lord is my comfort!!!