Tuesday, December 30, 2008

New Year, New Goals...Maybe!!!

Okay so a new year is approaching...quick!!! And as always people are going to start thinking of a new years resolution...including me!!! I've already thought of mine! In the past I've never really kept my new years resolution and at times I didn't even make one! But I thought what the hay I'll give it a shot, once again! I also figured if I publicly post it on my blog for the world to see maybe I'll feel more encouraged/obligated (lol) to keep up with it!!! So that being said here it goes:

1) No burgers and fries from fast food places!

2)No sodas...even diet!

3)Read my bible more!

Okay so there it goes!!! I know I can benefit from these so I pray I can stick to them, but only time will tell!!! I am however curious to know what your New Years Resolution is so don't be shy, drop a comment and let me know!!!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Tightest Squeeze

When someone you love such as your spouse, parent, or children are away for a while don't you find yourself missing the smallest things! When my husband is away I find myself missing the tight squeeze at the end of the hug!!! When he's not here I close my eyes and pretend to feel his arms around me squeezing me tight...its' my favorite part!!! It's in his embrace that I feel safe and loved!!! So I encourage you next time you hug someone give them the "tightest squeeze" ever!!!

We Need A Professional!!!

Today my oldest son Joshua was going to enjoy a bike ride with his cousin!!! They went out side and began to get ready! Then Joshua comes in and says "Mom there's something wrong with my bike!" So here I go to look at it, sure enough I'm going to require some tools!!! So In the midst of my attempt to fix the bike (by now I have unscrewed the chain cover and have it in my hand) Joshua says "We're gonna need a professional!" This sparked an interesting chain of events that are as follow:

Me: "Well your gonna have to settle for Mom" (in response to we need a professional)

Joshua: "Oh Jesus please help us Lord" (with his hands together, pretending to pray)

Me: I smacked him on the forehead!!!

Joshua: "MOM your not supposed to hit people while they're praying!"

Me: "Your not suppose to insult people while they're fixing things!!!"

Moral of the story: Mom's always right!!!!